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Learn how to draw realistic, still life or landscapes from life and photos in pencil. 


The first class you will draw your first still life. We will go over different techniques, how your brain is working, highlights, shadows and reflections.


The second class, I will show you how to draw through a proven method. Again, working on seeing highlights, shadows, reflections and basic perspective. 


The third class, we will learn to draw from a photo. I will begin with a live drawing example to help artists understand the best way to shade and highlight your drawing. We will continue to measure, learn perspective, negative space, composition and different techniques.



The final class we will continue to work on your drawing, each artist will get one on one instruction. Your final project usually takes two classes. The final drawing will be completed in class so I can help with any questions to produce the best drawing possible.


For Supples: 

• One 9”x12” Sketchbook (Or about that size)

• 1 - mechanical pencil, .05 or .07 is fine - look for “B” lead. 1 - Ebony pencil. Wait to sharpen this - the lead is very soft and breaks easily. I will show you how to keep it sharp without breaking.

• A stump smoother (you can pick this up after the first class if you don’t know what it is)


Instructor will supply still life to draw from, printed materials, examples, transfer and tracing paper as well as the photos for the final project.

Let’s Work Together

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